Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Fight Over Truckers Dog



Fight Over Truckers DogFight over Truckers Dog. Recently a post was made on a popular trucking page. It created all kinds of arguments. A trucker took a picture of another truckers dog that was tied to a semi at a truck stop. The post maker went on to say that the trucker was wrong for tying his dog to his rig while he went into the truck stop for a shower. This post was agreed and disagreed by many, in fact the crowd seemed to be about equally divided to wether the driver should have tied the dog to a tree or maybe just walked the dog and then put him back in the cab. Many were also saying that people should mind their own business and that caused even more fighting amongst the crowd of bloggers. Was the driver right or wrong? The argument continued when TalkCDL's Troy Austin asked his co-host Ruthann what she had thought of a trucker tying his dog to his rig while he used the truck stop for a shower? She was in disagreement with the trucker because she does not believe in tying the dog outside. This i