Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

105. Finish Like a Pro. Sticking with it until the end with Thom Shea



We embarked three weeks ago on a project to show our clients a simple method to start up a new effort and ensure the foundation is set. Buy Unbreakable I have spent 35 years applying this time-honored way of achieving success. During those years the method of using the 21 day grind cycle to establish a baseline has proven effective every time. The 21 day challenge is a simple but not easy process. The simple aspect is you must have a goal you are wanting to achieve. The not easy process is actually doing three basic things every single day for 21 days. In podcast 102 I discuss the 21 day method and the value of it. And as many of you are not aware we had a private Facebook community doing the 21 day as a team effort to post and support each other through the first 7 days. It takes a team of committed people to get through the first 7 days of anything new. I am always surprised people don’t realize how vital support and team efforts are in life in general but specifically I am dumb founded how people try to do