Courtside Podcast

Courtside Mini: Parent Coach Dynamic



Question: How do we know whether our child has the "right" coach beyond them leaving the court smiling, which on one hand is a great indicator but could equally be that the coach is great at selling a session? This is the final in a trilogy of Mini Podcasts with Jo Ward where we explore the following: Coaches need to make time for parents and be open to dialogue  Clubs and Coaches need to be educating parents to know what to look for and what to expect Clubs and Coaches need to see parents as part of the team ...and if they do that, then we as parents need to step up as well. It's our hope that this conversation moves us from the often competitive "my coach is bigger than yours" undertones, to a place where we're more able to know what great coaching looks like and how we can be a part of it.  To connect with Jo: @_JoWard Please do drop me a Tweet on @courtsidedad if you have a question for a future Courtside Mini  Also please don't forget to promote and endorse Courtside so we can draw many more into the c