Voices Of Courage

038: The Courage to Manifest Your Greatest Dreams



Today we discuss how to overcome life's greatest challenges, increase our energy, and manifest our dreams.   This is the time of year for hope and renewal. It's the time for new beginnings and the time to let go of the past along with any old habits or misfortunes of the past year. It's the time to clear anything out of our lives that doesn't align with our brilliance, joy, or presence and create whatever it is that we really want to create in this new year. Right now, many of us are in the "renewal zone." We're renewing our goals, commitments, determination, willpower, and passion. This renewal zone is the place where we get clear with the direction of our lives in the coming year. It's essential that we begin programming our subconscious mind to start looking for all that it needs to accomplish our greatest dreams. My guest, Susan Treadgold, is a holistic executive coach, founder of Treadgold Executive Development, a best-selling author, and an award-winning speaker and transformational trainer. She is pass