Replacement Players

Episode Zero: The Origin Begins!



Oh, hi! Didn’t see you there. Welcome to the beginning of the start of the origin of the inception of Replacement Players, my brand new podcast. What is this and why am I doing it? Questions I often ask myself, about everything. But I will explain the true meaning of Replacement Players as efficiently as I can. As you probably know if you’ve ever read anything I’ve ever written, I have tons of video tucked away in the Vast and Dusty Scratchbomb Video Archives. A good chunk of these archives consist of broadcasts of old sporting events. I love to rewatch these games because I love the sensation of witnessing a narrative unfold in real time. You can see things being “decided” about these games–their place in history, the legacy of the players involved–as they happen. You can also see how what we remember about certain players and teams clashes with how they were regarded at the time. And you can laugh at weird old commercials and outdated graphics, too. So, like any goo