Space Brothers Podcast

Episode 23 - Tim Knoll



On rare occasion a rider comes along that is so unique they don't fit into BMX the way most other riders do. Back in the 80s that rider was Dave Vanderspek. Dave would combine street and flatland moves before street was really a thing and gained notoriety for bringing a new type of riding to the masses. Among other things Dave would do surfers while holding his skateboard and jump onto the board. He also utilized his street surroundings while performing flatland tricks making for some of the best photos every released in the early bmx magazines. Pushing the bounds of reality even further is Tim Knoll. Tim's riding by many is considered more like BMX Parkour as a way to explain what he does. Tim just calls it BMX freestyle. I can remember some of the first clips Tim shared on the internet where he was doing all kinds of dark side flatland tricks with the bike upside down mixed with handstands and flips. I have to admit when I first saw it I didn't know what to think. As time went on and Tim's skills impr