Don Woods

The Magic of Wales



We have had our yearly batch of snow which has naturally caused total chaos on the roads....apart from those who haven't quite grasped the fact that ice on the roads can actually prevent you stopping we have the 10 hour delays on the motorways....where people have abandoned their cars....what puzzles me is where do they go?....."I'll just get out of my car and jump over this hedge into six feet of snow in this farmers field and take it from there".......when it all thaws out there could be solid bodies everywhere.....stay in the car!!! 2.The other item which has had a lot of coverage is the footballer who went down in the light aircraft on his way across the Channel....a very sad story as he was so young.....after calling off the search it was reopened with the help of public donations and they have found the does make you realise how vulnerable we all are and how it's not about money at the end of the day.................and someone put an interesting post on showed a photo of