Braving Babylon 5

Episode 85 - Oh Captain, #notmycaptain



"Learning Curve" - Season 5, Episode 5 If YOU are having trouble meditaing, help clear your mind of all stimulation by watching this episode... The email address for the show is and you can find me on Twitter at @bravingb5 Many thanks as always to Phil Steere for the podcast logo, and to everyone downloading the podcast and giving me a listen, much appreciated. Huge thanks to listener Steve Evans for his big contribution to the show. The show "Reply All" is consistently fascinating, you should listen to it -  A rare gem - an actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast that's super smart, super funny but not over the top and has a terrific story, I recommend "Not Another D&D Podcast" - All music in the podcast is by Dexter Britain, who kindly makes his work freely available. Go visit him at   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0