The Tourism Brief

Destination Marketing: Is it Time to Forget Free Social Media Marketing?



On today's podcast we look at how Social Media Marketing is changing rapidly and now there is a cost to engage future clients. We also look at why I wouldn't be a CEO of a DMO or RTO for all the tea in China. Finally if you are a tourism business we look at what you should know about DMO's and RTO's. I have worked in the tourism industry all of my life in many organisations mainly dealing with destination marketing in some form or another. I have worked with DMO's STO's and was chair of ACC an RTO. I’ve worked with more than 50 DMOs from all around the world. And a big challenge for every DMO is managing their industry stakeholders. The politics. Proving value and relevancy. Even if well-intended, I don’t think industry stakeholders truly understand how their actions can impact the efficiency and effectiveness of their DMO/RTO. As a Tourism business how do you get the best out of your RTO?