Walking Dharma

Episode 16: The Art of Receptivity



This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of asteya (non-stealing). "To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes." Yoga Sutras 2:37 Non-stealing is the art of cultivating a gracious, generous, abundance-based attitude towards life and others. The opposite of stealing/taking is receiving/giving. Rather than stealing and taking with an attitude of entitlement, we can receive and give with an attitude of gratitude and an aim to elevate all through sharing our own gifts and fully receiving other's gifts as well. When we attune ourselves to an attitude of abundance we become capable of realizing we don't need to take from others on the physical or energetic level to achieve success and abundance. For when we take from others it only leads to destruction of relationships, our reputation, and eventually even our own dreams dissolve in the illusion of lack and seperation from others. What we would want or envy in others is actually a potential within ourselves that we are searching for externa