Audible Graffiti

Audible Graffiti – Episode 07



It's been a gloomy week in Athens, but the sun is finally shining again and this week's episode of Audible Graffiti is just what you need to turn from the past and face the future. In this episode, Jeff first talks to Chris Brame, JD's co-host of their daily show The Home Team on Athens radio station 960 The Ref about the Bama game and Georgia fans expectations along with best all-time combo of same-night sports/music shows. Then we catch up and look ahead to Tennessee with the "Left-Hander", former Georgia QB and now sports media personality David Greene who shares some great memories from the "hob-nail boot" game as well as the 41-14 rout in 2003. But as an extra treat, David also shares some great stories of life in the pros as Tom Brady's backup at the Patriots. All in this week's episode of Audible Graffiti.