Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.123 | Chris Powell - Hard Work, Respect, & Kindness: How Do You Change The World While Dealing With Depression?



"Hard Work, Respect, & Kindness: How Do You Change The World While Dealing With Depression?" Chris Powell (@realchrispowell) is on a mission to change the world with his wife, Heidi (@realheidipowell) through the Transform App (@thetransformapp)! However, on the way up the ladder of success, there are many lessons to be learned. Some of those lessons come in the form of losing a quarter million dollars on a bad batch of supplements. Or they take the shape of humility while sharing the spotlight with your significant other. In other instances, you have to learn a lesson or two by realizing who you really are and what's truly important after that spotlight disappears. Chris has been through it all. From the hustle and grind of building a book of clients, 5 am to 9 pm six (and often times, seven) days a week to the celebrity of Extreme Weight Loss on ABC for five seasons. On multiple occasions, he has battled with depression and addiction to pain medication. Today we get real with Chris in an exclusive conve