The Expand Your Awareness Podcast With Aaron Doughty

The Starseed Activation Meditation for Activating Your DNA and Lightcodes



worker We are going to show you a full moon ceremony for integrating your shadow self. This is a completely transformative time on the planet right now with the full moon that's coming up and doing this ceremony and what we share with you will change your life. So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click here Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes herecan you leave a review for the podcast? I would soo appreciate it You can leave a review here (Click here to watch on YouTube) I'm here with Leeor Alexandra. Keep your vibrations way, way, way, way up, and today what we're going to be sharing with you is exactly how you can integrate your shadow using the power of the moon or we're going to be sharing our own experience with this. This is something I think is so transformative.