Podsocs - Social Work Podcasts

Episode 57: Neoliberalism



Neoliberalism is a big topic but do we ever think about it, what it is and its relevance to all of us. Should we be paying more attention? Like many John has lived a number of professional lives and perhaps his early introduction to the problems and issues faced by poor people in western Queensland fuelled his move to social work and a consequent polyglot mix of social work activity across government and non-government organizations. For the past dozen years or so John has been a lecturer in social work with the Institute of Koorie Education at Deakin University. His social work and policy interests have centred on the perhaps contemporarily less popular areas of poverty and structural change. His interest in neoliberalism as a topic arrives by a rather circuitous route but it has certainly become a topic that has intrigued him the more he has explored its nuances.