Talking With Toph

#10 Paul Varian on how to better operate a youth sports organization



Here it is folks, episode 10 of Talking With Toph. Why is this of note? Because I set a goal at the beginning of 2017 to record and publish 10 episodes. It is fitting that this, my 10th episode, completes the goal and will be the last episode of the year. Based on the feedback and responses I plan on continuing the podcast, though I have not set a goal for 2018…yet. This is what I know: I plan on continuing to record and publish episodes. I will continue to invite on interesting guests to interview and converse with, but I will also look at some other ways to provide audio content. I will try some different formats. Certainly, my goal for 2018 will be for an increase in episode frequency…though I haven’t decided yet on a number. I just want to say thank you for listening this year and I look forward to continuing this journey in the coming year. Today my guest is Paul Varian. Paul does a great job at the beginning of the interview explaining his background and expertise, so I won’t bore you by repe