Rough Around The Hedges

A Peek Through the Looking Glass with Leon



I had the pleasure of chatting with Leon, chef patron of The Looking Glass in Cheltenham.  They've just taken on an allotment with the hopes of growing some of their own produce for the restaurant.  What's even better is that the allotment is a 2 minute walk up the road from them!  Talk about local food.   "Our dream was to open a restaurant that showcased the best of the Cotswold's as we believe the region produces some of the finest ingredients our country has to offer. That dream has become a reality.  Our food is always fresh. Always free range. Always organic. Never imported. Never mass produced. Never ‘bought in.’ Everything is made in house; from our freshly baked birch sap roll & cultured butter to our elderflower vinegar.  Traditional sourcing, meets modern cooking…" Follow The Looking Glass: Follow Rough Around The He