Globalcast Resources - Mentoring Missions Advocates

God is the Greatest Mobilizer!



Did you know that the word mobilize simply means "to put into motion"? And we found it very interesting to think about this idea in light of the nature and character of God himself. When you think about it God is the one who is put into motion everything that is. Right? He spoke the universe into being. He spun those galaxies into motion and from that time until now he is the one who has been putting things into motion and moving His story forward.   He's the one who called, or mobilized, Abraham into uncharted territory. He's the one who said 'I want to set my people free from Egypt' and then mobilized Moses to do it. He's been sending and mobilizing Prophets to come at key points in His people's journey to confront or to lead. God is the one who mobilized His Son because of His great love for the world. Mobilized his son to come to earth and then the Son taught his disciples and mobilized them out sent them out two by two, right? And when He said I'm going back and the Father said "Don't worry, I'm going to