Level Up Your Life

LUYL006 Live Today!



Welcome to the Level Up Your Life podcast hosted by the awe-inspiring, motivating, and passionate Mark Black. As a double transplant survivor Mark has a very exclusive and different take on life. Mark is what all motivational speakers aspire to. He is kind, spirited, and animated with a pure and honest heart. When you listen to Mark speak you can’t help but become excited. Mark cares about helping you get to the next level in all areas(personal and professional development), not just one, which is another thing that makes the Level Up Your Life podcast special. Mark will encourage each step toward excellence. In this episode, Mark discusses a powerful concept he calls Live Today.  Mark shares a personal story regarding being hospitalized due to heart failure while waiting on the transplant list. He explained that he had a plan laid out for his life and ultimately none of that plan has happened. He was pushed to re-evaluate. While in the hospital Mark had severe anxiety, constantly walking to the nurses’ stati