Retail Shift

3: Hack Your Business Growth with Boredom



Every indie retailer and maker that I’ve worked with has one thing in common — a fear of being bored in their work. (Raise your hand if this is you too!) This is often why entrepreneurs start their own ventures. However, the pursuit of freedom and flexibility often spreads into areas that it has no business being.   I’m here to tell you, my friend, that you can AND should embrace boredom! When you do, you’ll find running your inventory-based brand easier and, if you do it well, more profitable too.   As you listen to this podcast episode about how to hack your business growth with boredom, I want you to pay special attention to a few key concepts that impact small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Why you should stop worrying about getting bored in your business How uncertainty and excitement in specific aspects of your operations can hurt your business The proven benefits of boredom Three ways to hack your retail growth using the benefits of boredom   After you’ve listened, it’s time to take action!   J