Intoxica Radio W/howie Pyro

INTOXICA RADIO August 1, 2017



Tonite! Intoxica Radio is gonna be SUPER! Oh yeah! Super rockin'! Super rollin'! And Super stupid too for my super Tards! Intoxica radio will be live & on the air at 9PM Karloffornia time! Things have been real heavy (good & bad) around "here" and can all be celebrated and/or laughed at on the radio! Radio is forever! It travels through time & space forever! My rotten echo-fied voice might just smack your great great grandchildren upside their futuristic heads! So plug in your iTard®, strap on your IntoxiDrool® cup, fall into your spinning (and sometimes talking) chair® & join me, Howie Pyro® on intoxica Radio® at 9pm (PST) at Art by Karl Kaos!!!! #intoxicaradio #howiepyro #records #rocknroll #dj #dance #rhythmandblues #rockabilly #soul #weird #garagerock #karlkaos #ratpfinkabooboo #raydennissteckler #ronhaydock #ratpfinkandbooboo