Content Marketing Quickie

Content Marketing Quickie March 4 2019



Learn: what the biggest skills gap in marketing is Learn: why Google's giving up on comments on blogs Learn: whether or not you should use vertical instead of horizontal video The Content Marketing Quickie brings you a quick and fun look at the latest happenings in content - delivered with fun and snarky commentary by Mike Stiles and Brand Content Studios.   Here’s your Content Marketing Quickie for the week of March 4, 2019   -The good news when the Internet came along was, the people had a voice. The bad news was, people had a voice. And none other than Google has decided eh, we don’t so much want to hear what people have to say. Frankly that content’s usually just crap and it’s too much trouble to manage. So, at least for their Webmaster Central Blog, they’re cutting off comments. You’ll see that’s becoming typical on publisher sites too. Ever read an article that was actually good and made you care and you couldn’t wait to say what you thought only to find…oh, there’s no way to comment. They don’t want to