Don Woods

The Dibber Song



.Scotland has now got its own news channel.....which has cost £32 million....for 6 million people.....the BBC sure know how to spend our licence fee.....what is the point??....England has to suffer the national news (which mainly covers stabbings and murders) and also has local channels (which also mainly cover stabbings and murders).....but the Scots (or some of them) feel they are missing out........believe my guys you are NOT!!......the only news the rubbish BBC seem to cover is Brexit or fan the flames of problems like knife crime.....nothing of which helps in any way......unless they can sensationalise nasty situations and depress us all it's not news....I've actually stopped watching it along with many others.....the media in general should start helping to try and solve situations instead of adding to the doom and gloom with their negative reporting. 2.On the subject of dreadful television....there has recently been a documentary on Michael Jackson's alleged activities.....on Channel 4 which I purpose