Em Pulse

EM Pulse Live Edition: WR SAEM Day 2 Wrap-up



EM Pulse Live Edition: WR SAEM Day 2 Wrap-up It was another exciting day at the Western Regional SAEM conference in Napa, CA! This episode recaps Day 2, including the Western EM Challenge and some fantastic plenary speakers. Highlights include time management for EM physicians, social emergency medicine, care for LGBTQI patients, the future of medical education, exercise in medicine, and building your social media brand. The conference is trending of social media - follow #WRSAEM19, @wrsaem19, and, of course, @empulsepodcast for all the details. How did we do? This is a new type of podcasting for us and we’d love your feedback! Hit us up on social media or at ucdavisem.com.  Hosts: Dr. Julia Magaña, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Guests: Dr. Linda Herman, Emergency Medicine Residency Program Director at Kaweah Delta  Dr. Harrison Alter, Research Director for the Highland Depart