Em Pulse

EM Pulse Live Edition: WR SAEM Day 1 Wrap-up



This is a first for us! We’re podcasting live (or nearly live) from the 2019 Western Regional Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting in Napa, California. In this episode, we re-cap Day 1 of the conference, featuring the Advanced Airway Lab with Dr. Erik Laurin, Wellness in Academic EM with Dr. Andra Blomkalns, Experience in a Mass Shooting with Dr. Austin Johnson, The Value of Scholarship with Dr. Steve Bird, and much, much more! The conference is trending of social media - follow #WRSAEM19, @wrsaem19, and, of course, @empulsepodcast for all the details. Hosts: Dr. Julia Magaña, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Guests: Dr. Erik Laurin, Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Dr. Andra Blomkalns, Professor and Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Stanford University Dr. Austin Johnson, Assistant Professor is Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Dr. Steve