Justin And Cassi: Limited Experience

Rough Seas and a Steady Breeze



The road to becoming full time YouTube content creators was filled with years of trial and error.    "Rough Seas and a Steady Breeze" is the best title for episode 1 of our podcast because despite setbacks, disappointment and failure we've pushed through (and will continue to push through) any obstacle we've been faced with.  While the seas have been rough at times we've managed to find a steady breeze and used it to propel us forward.  Sometimes our propulsion has been faster than other times, but forward is the only path we're interested in taking. Our  discussion includes our early days on YouTube, how sometimes you have to quit what you're doing to find success, a chat about good and bad clickbait and the craziest cashier we've ever encountered. If you enjoyed this episode please consider subscribing to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.  Reviewing our podcast is also a huge help! Here are some of the channels and websites discussed in this episode: http://ww