Bio Alchemy: The Daily Biohacking Podcast

Freezing Your Ass Off Is Good For You: The Incredible Health Benefits Behind A Daily Cold Therapy Practice — #012



Let's face it; cold showers suck. And although I've already discussed my morning cold thermogenesis practice in episode #002 in a small amount of detail, so many of you weren't sure why this biohacking practice was so important, so I thought it necessary to dedicate one of my solo episodes to it. As far as biohacks go, this one is definitely effective, albeit one that you won't like doing, especially when you start the practice. Taking cold showers in the AM is something that's been gaining a ton of popularity in the worldwide community to biohackers, with the legendary Dutch cold therapy practitioner Win Hof being credited by many as bringing this tool into the general awareness of the public. And in this episode, I go into some more of the detail of why you should be taking cold showers in the morning, the mental and immunological benefits that they can have to your biology, how they can help you to become a more strong-minded human being, as well as the most important parts of your body you should be direc