Between The Lines Podcast

No Place for Hate



On Wednesday 27 March, Intercomm held a public consultation on an anti-hate crime initiative. The event in The Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts centre attracted scores of people who are active in organisations that support victims of hate crime or are engaged in anti-hate crime initiatives. The event was a consultation event to raise awareness of hate crime and to pick a logo that will spearhead the campaign. The campaign slogan in #NoPlaceforHate. Among the organisations represented were Community Relations Council PSNI Rainbow Project ICR North Belfast Friendship Club Victim Support New Life Counselling Leonard Cheshire Fund North Belfast PCSP North Belfast Alternatives Gordy Walker spoke to many of the representatives for the podcast including Debbie Walters vice-chair of Northern Ireland Policing Board and Director of Northern Ireland Alternatives and Chief Inspector Kelly Moore of PSNI at Tenant’s Street. Kelly named several agencies that people who have been directly or indirectly aff