Eli Motivates

Episode 2: Newt Bailey talks about his path to authenticity and vulnerability, NVC (Non-Violent Communication) and how leading with empathy, kindness and compassion can change the world.



An Englishman with the accent to prove it, Newt Bailey is a communications, mediation and team dynamics coach based in San Francisco. He is extremely well-versed in NVC (Non-Violent Communication) which he prefers to call CC (Connected Communication, or Compassionate Communication.  I've been very fortunate to attend his workshops at his Communication Dojo where I was transformed by practicing NVC experientially with kindred seekers of communications nirvana. We talk about Newt's entire life story and his journey from an engineer of computer code to a reverse-engineer of other's thoughts and feelings in an attempt to achieve win-win outcomes. A brilliant quote from Henry Ford sums up Newt's ethos: "If there is any great secret of success in life, it lies in the ability to put yourself in the other person's place and to see things from his point of view—as well as your own." Join Newt and myself as we dig deeper than deep to find out what it means to be human and what it's like to see the other through t