What Now? With Anna And Eric

Why Jesus?… Plus, Servant Leadership



On Episode 12 of What Now with Anna & Eric, we ask the question Why Jesus? And take a short look at servant leadership.  Challenge of the week: Wrestle with Faith.  Wherever you are in your life, not knowing Jesus or having known him for a while we ask you to wrestle with faith. If you don’t believe in Jesus, have you every actually tried Jesus? Because as our mothers said with foods we despised, how will you know you don’t like him if you never try him in the first place? And if you have known Jesus for any length of time, have you wrestled with those questions you’ve always had? Sometimes we are afraid to ask the hard questions because we think it will destroy our faith. But really, what destroys our faith is ignoring questions that trip us up later. We will never know all there is to know about God, but maintaining our faith while addressing our doubts can actually strengthen our belief in Jesus. It can also be fun.  On another note. We are all leaders in some capacity. How are you leading the p