What Now? With Anna And Eric

A Lot With a Little



On Episode 6 of What Now with Anna & Eric ask, if I only have a little power what can God do with it?  Did Jesus get a lot with a little?  There are multiple instances where Jesus used a little to get a lot. He fed 5,000 from one fish and two loaves of bread, he said we could move mountains with a little faith, and most notably he used a small group of people to make a huge impact on the world.  Do I even have a little?  We all have a little bit of something. Maybe it’s only a little bit of power, a little bit of money, a little bit of influence...but when we dedicate our little to God he can do great things.  What now?  Start journaling instances where God took a little in your life and made a lot. Be empowered!  Take the first step to give a little – whether it’s a couple hours of service, a little prayer, or a little faith. Be proactive!