Podcasting For Authors

Introduction to Podcasting for Authors



Whether you are publishing independently or through a publishing company, you need to be continually expanding your reach. Podcasting is a fantastic way to bring your knowledge and influence, engage your audience on a regular basis, and drive sales for your current and future books. This is Podcasting Authors, and now here’s your host, Joshua Rivers. Season 1: 10-part series on how to podcast to supplement your work as an author 000: About this podcast and host 101: Getting Started: your why, your audience, podcast title, etc. 102: Media hosts, artwork 103: Choose your podcasting format 104: Planning your podcast 105: Podcasting equipment 106: Recording and your recording environment 107: Editing your podcast 108: Publishing and promoting your podcast 109: Website and SEO for podcasting 110: Enlisting help for your podcast