Ordinary Madness Podcast

A Rose By Any Other Name, Part One



83 Beals Street in Boston is located in the affluent suburb of Brookline. It is a three story home with a balcony that overlooks the rest of the street. On Friday September 13th 1918, 28 year old mother of two Rose Kennedy was having contraction. Twenty years later, a meeting with Dr Freeman would change history... Written and Hosted by Mat Robson Produced by Leanne Knibb Original Theme by Patrick Davies Following Music Sourced from http://freemusicarchive.org and used under an Attribution License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ September by Kai Engel Daemones by Kai Engel Meekness by Kai Engel Remedy For Melancholy by Kai Engel Periculum by Kai Engel Cold War Echo by Kai Engel For Sources and mental health support visit us at: http://www.ordinarymadness.co.uk Follow us on: https://instagram.com/ordinarymadnesspod https://twitter.com/Ordinarymadnes5 https://www.facebook.com/ordinarymadnesspod Support the show and become a patron at: https://www.patreon.com/ordinarymadnesspodcast