Grace Church In Noblesville & Fishers, In

Ambassadors of Separation & Nurturers of Isolation



Humanity was created out of the overflow of God's self-giving love. The Father, Son, and Spirit loved one another so much God longed for someone to share in that love. God's love spilled over into the creative abundance of our world. God created humanity so that we could join His community of love. And why did he create so many of us? Because God wanted us to experience his community of self-giving love among ourselves. When we look around at our world, one thing is pretty obvious: we are alone. Those two relationships are broken. Humans are separated from God. Through our sin and rebellion, we've cut ourselves off from God's community of self-giving love. Making matters worse, humans are isolated from one another. We live shattered, lonely existences, missing out on the beauty of loving community. God is healing those broken relationships. Through Jesus, He is bringing humans back into communion w