The Technology Geek Podcast

New Studio



New Studio Today on the show we talk about the new studio and things going on in the news. Brandon talks about his vacation and his new exercise routine. We talk about bash on windows and powershell being open source. We talk about autocad and sketch it software. We talk about votech and much more… Join me today as we discuss… Spotify Is Burying Tracks From Musicians Who Give Exclusives To Apple and TidalHillary Clinton Used BleachBit To Wipe EmailsSprint Charging 'Unlimited' Users $20 More for Unthrottled VideoAmazon Is Testing a 30-Hour, 75% Salary WorkweekDropbox Is Urging Users To Reset Their PasswordsLinus on Linux's 25th BirthdayPSA: PlayStation Network Gets Two-Step VerificationGoogle Fiber To Cut Staff In Half After User Totals Disappointindows 10 Computers Crash When Amazon Kindles Are Plugged InUber Loses At Least $1.2 Billion In First Half of 2016WhatsApp To Share Some Data With FacebookYouTube Plans To Bring Photos, Polls, and Text To Its Video ServiceLatest Windows 10 Update Breaks PowerShell