The Technology Geek Podcast

Air Force Trump



Air Force TrumpWe start the show out talking about gun control. We talk about all the trouble the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation trying to save the world and all the trouble there running into with other support groups. We talk about Donald Trump running for president and renaming everything to reflect the word Trump. We talk about the apprentice from the oval office and remodeling the White House. We talk about Amanda Palmer changed music business.Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…Gun ControlBill and Melinda Gates FoundationDonald Trump Running For PresidentPlaned ParentHood Has A New iPhone App First TimeAdblock Plus Rolls Out Mass Deployment For IT AdministratorsARRL 2015 Hurricane Season Webinar Set for July 20FCC Paperless LicenseVanity Call Signs No ChargeTeacher: Get Shakespeare out of the classroomEtsy Bans Witchcraft Items‘Batman’ FamilyAmanda PalmerDanger Of Health Products Made Over SeasArnold Schwarzenegger PrankNew Amazon Original Series “Catastrophe” Now Available