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How to Deal with Anxiety with Your Food | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #275



Martin shares Metabolic Typing and how food immediately affects your mindset. Discover your Metabolic Type: Some foods, such as meat or sweet and acid foods, are good for certain people - and for these are not "problem" foods. On others, their effects are adverse. In order to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon and a deeper insight into the food-related causes of diseases, it is helpful to take a closer look at our metabolism. Problems arise when the tension-relaxation cycle is not centered but remains one-sided. During work there may be too much tension, while the following rest period does not result in complete relaxation. If this condition becomes chronic, also other tension-related symptoms may develop, such as high blood pressure or restlessness. To bring the body back into balance, remedies with a PNS influence may be applied, such as relaxation exercises, a vegetarian diet or magnesium supplements. On the other h