Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast

Healthy Hormones? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #272



Do HCG Ultra Drops to Help Your Weight Drop? "Dietary options today can cost a health-conscious American thousands of dollars each year, and the results may be short-lived. And like you have probably already seen, they are all over the internet in blogs and success stories of people who have apparently used diet aids and lost a ton of weight. But we here at Fox News are a little skeptical and aren't sure that we've seen any real proof that these diet aids work for weight loss." From a Fox News site that isn't a Fox news site.  Martin Pytela exposes the latest health scam. Disease is big business. We used to do research funded by the government, but that has nearly disappeared. There is no public domain research done because the funding has been pulled or diverted to such useful things as price support for corn for ethanol and other hare-brained government schemes. Logically, the private corporations that are funding the research need to get a return on their investment. Present regulatio