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Poison in the Womb: the Secret to Healthy Babies | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #266



How do you grow the bacterial protection for new born babies? For every cell in our stomach, there are 10 cells of bacteria. Our digestive system can be seriously compromised by 'clear-cutting' the 'forests of our stomach and colon by drinking chlorinated water, antibiotics, and processed foods. To rid your body of viruses, parasites, fungi, and mold for good you need to establish the symbiotic bacterial teamwork in your intestinal tract. Now your immune system can unleash itself upon the invaders arriving daily in your food, drink or air. When you use the powerful Body Biotics formula, you are helping your body regulate the balance between friendly and unfriendly bacteria. That's how you achieve optimal immune responses. One hundred obese mums-to-be will be given Metformin as part of a three-year study to tackle obesity rates and reduce the number of difficult births. Patients at Liverpool