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Avoid the Christmas Coronary | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #265



Doctors nationwide have observed a glaring increase in incidence of heart attack and stroke during the holidays. Dr. Dante Morales, Society of Hypertension president, said incidence of heart attack and stroke commonly surges during December and January and peaks on Christmas and New Year’s Day. Many of those patients die even before reaching the hospitals or just days after suffering stroke and heart attack,” he said. Morales said recent studies done abroad have indicated a sharp increase in cases of heart attack and stroke during the holiday season. In this episode, Kelli Desante of Body Biotics shares how SBO's and Probiotics can positively impact your health by focusing on the most negative factor in your health. The Body Biotic SBO's along with Fulvic Acid chelates or pulls the heavy metal toxins our of your body. Informed observers know that severe immune dysfunction is caused by compromised digestion and elimination. And this is from the lack of probiotic type, beneficial gut bacteria. At th