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Top 20 Toxic Products We Give Our Children | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #232



The top 20 products more toxic than lead. Number 20 Shampoo and bath productsVirtually all popular shampoo and bath products sold on the market contain cancer-causing chemicals. The ingredients read like a top-40 list of toxic chemicals. Virtually none of these chemicals have ever been tested or approved for use on humans (they are simply ignored because the FDA astonishingly believes the skin won't absorb chemicals). Support the health of all systems: use internally and externally. Cleanse, detoxify, deodorize and eliminate pests & parasites on yourself, pets, plants & livestock. Fertilize your plants, gardens and field crops. By using Miracle II products you will eliminate toxic & caustic chemicals from our environment, while saving hundreds of dollars every year. After this natural soap has finished cleaning, it goes down the drain, continuing to clean up our environment. Miracle II Liquid Soap contains no synthetic oils, no animal fat, and