Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast

Diabetic Overload | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Online Radio Network | Podcast #174



You need never develop diabetes. We can help you take control over your blood sugar levels, to reverse insulin resistance, and never develop type 2 diabetes. You can be in charge of type 1 diabetes. Diabetes can cause pains and a debilitating lifestyle that we can help to free you from. Your body strives for health at all costs: it is self-cleansing, self-healing and self-maintaining. When given adequate nutrients and supplements, all your internal systems will function in harmony. Natural solutions for regaining and maintaining vibrant health are conveniently and economically available to you here. Recent medical research shows that proper dietary supplementation is essential for health. These nutritional supplements are here, within the reach of anyone desiring natural, higher levels of health and longevity. The Standard American Diet and common ways of thinking are causing needless ill health and numerous deaths. Unfortunately, even a good diet combined with mainstream supplements, does not contain eno