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Microwave Ovens and Your Body | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #139



Microwave cooking ovens were originally researched and developed by German scientists to support mobile operations during the invasion of the Soviet Union. Had they perfected electronic equipment on a mass scale, the Nazi's could have eliminated the logistical problems connected with cooking fuels while producing edible products in far less time than they could using traditional cooking tools. After the war, the Allies discovered the medical research and documentation concerning microwave technology. The papers and experimental microwave equipment were transferred to the U.S War Department and classified for reference and scientific investigation. The Soviet Union also retrieved some of the devices and began to experiment on them separately. The Russians - who have done the most diligent research into the biological effects of microwave ovens - HAVE OUTLAWED THEIR USE, and issued an international warning about the biological and environmental damage that can result from the use of these and of similar freque