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Medical Problems | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #100



"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" -- Rudyard Kipling Listen closely. Read between the lines. You are being convinced, slowly and deliberately that vitamin supplements are dangerous and that pharmaceutical drugs are always your best bet. Perhaps you've become aware of this upside-down logic. If not, I offer you a few examples of how the masses are being systematically brain-washed. Keep these examples in mind, it won't be long before you're noticing some yourself. Recently ABC News ran a rather lengthy piece about how "dangerous" certain common herbal supplements are. The case in point was woman who'd had a kidney transplant. She took an herbal supplement containing the age-old Black Cohosh root and whammo! She became deathly ill. What ABC didn't discuss was that people who've had an organ transplant have compromised systems that even too much water or table salt plays havoc with. Never mind that. The not-so-subtle point the network was making was this: Be afraid, be very afraid