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Vibrational Healing | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #80



Since the beginning of time, man has known that there was an energy that created and sustained him. Throughout the ages, this truth was recognized in many different ways. Chi, prana, orgone, life force, the breath of God, Holy Spirit, and Divine Love are just some of the more recent phrases: many names have been used for this mysterious energy. Tuning or adjusting your energy (or vibration) to be in line with the divine love of God will make you a vehicle for It?s mysterious energy. Your cells can return to their most vibrant form, helping to restore your youthful characteristics. All cells, of all living things are in constant motion, or vibrating. The rates of vibration vary for different types of cells, and their state of health. In these varying rates, one concept remains constant: tuning or adjusting the vibrations to be in line with Divine Love can result in the restoration of your health, strength and vitality. Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living.