Beyond Reason

Police Cases of the Weird w/R. Scott Lunsford



Scott Lunsford is a retired Asheville Police Sergeant with more than 33 years of public service working as a Detective then supervisor in the youth services and sexual assault unit. He also served as a uniformed supervisor in the department’s School Resource Officers Unit, was a patrol forensic tech, patrol officer, and West District patrol supervisor. Lunsford is State Certified as a Police Instructor and Field Training Officer. He teaches juvenile law in the Police Academy and Juvenile subcultures and issues through the local Community college. He is certified as a Substitute School Teacher in the North Carolina Education System. Lunsford has been recognized in the Congressional Record for his work with the Navy's Youth Sea Cadet Program in Asheville, awarded the Order of the Long Leaf Pine by the Governor of North Carolina, and given a commission as a Kentucky Colonial by the Governor of Kentucky for his Law Enforcement work. He served as a member of the police department’s Hostage Negation Team and a Crit