Dan Barracuda

Track #4 - "Cadabra Pearls"



Talking about Track #4 off "Wavelength". This one's called Cadabra Pearls. Stream of Consciousness writings from my notebook:  I like what I wrote for Sundrug. It ends in a confused state of calm with that sudden modulation to F. It’s serene, but very odd and confusing…sort of like the music is saying “well, that’s life – that’s how the cookie crumbles”. The rays get pitched down at the end, like drooping down and melting away. Falls into Cadabra Pearls. In this song, it’s all about the doubt. “I’m not so sure…these pearls of wisdom…are they to draw me in…and push me down?” Sort of talking to people that say “do what you love”, “keep going, never give up”. Days like today make me really doubt it. Am I on the right track? Am I not “working smart”? Feeling like I need to justify myself. Always starting things that I don’t finish. So much doubt about my future & dreams. It’s taking too long, waves of losing patience. Am I on the wrong track? The cadabra pearls are the words of wisdom, these magical ball