Sports Borts

NBA "Instigators" with Adam Lustick



"Hey!" "Foul!" "Why'd you do that?!" "Stop!" "I'm gonna beat you up!"  ...are just a few phrases you will often hear from the subject of this episode of Sports Borts: INSTIGATORS. Whether it's on the basketball court, the baseball diamond or, heck, the common office break room, some people are cut from the instigating cloth and love nothing more than to STIR. UP. SHIT. The NBA is one sports league that has a grand tradition of these shit stirrers and joining the Borts to discuss them is the fantastic Adam Lustick ("Corporate" on Comedy Central).  Adam has a crap ton to say about why he loves instigators in the NBA and how he admires them despite being very different from them. He also touches on layup line warmup songs, the primal anger inherent in playing sports, Jeff Van Gundy and so much more. It's a fantastic episode and you just gotta check it out! ... If you or anyone you know would like to advertise anything on Sports Borts, simply email It's a name-your-own-price si