Virginia Historical Society Podcast

From Richmond To France



On July 12, 2018, Kitty Snow delivered the banner lecture, “From Richmond to France: Images and Stories of Richmond and Her World War I Soldiers.” When America entered the Great War in 1917, many of Richmond’s “soldier boys” had never been out of the city, much less the country. Most went to Camp Lee and then boarded ships for France. One of those young men was Leon Stilson. His father, streetcar driver Harry Stilson, photographed his son and other Richmond boys as they went off to war and came home. He photographed them with family and in parades and celebrations. Harry’s great-granddaughter, Kitty Snow, will share images and stories of those young men and Richmond during the war and after the Armistice. Some did not come home, so the Stilson collection also gives you passage on a Gold Star Mother Pilgrimage to France. Kitty Snow is the owner of Home Team Realtors and a part-time historian. She is the author of "From a Richmond Streetcar: Life through the Lens of Harris Stilson," "On the West Clay Line," "