Virginia Historical Society Podcast

James Madison's Gift: The Power of Partnership by David O. Stewart



On April 30 at noon, David O. Stewart delivered a Banner Lecture entitled “James Madison’s Gift: The Power of Partnership.” To reach his lifelong goal of a self-governing constitutional republic, James Madison blended his talents with those of key partners—the dashing Alexander Hamilton, the heroic George Washington, the magnetic Thomas Jefferson, and the soldierly James Monroe. With those extraordinary partners, Madison led the drive for the Constitutional Convention, pressed for an effective new government, co-wrote the Federalist Papers, secured the Constitution's ratification, drafted and won adoption of the Bill of Rights, founded the nation's first political party and guided the nation through the War of 1812. Then he handed the leadership of a happy nation to his old friend and sometime rival Monroe. But it was his final partnership that allowed Madison to escape his natural shyness and reach the greatest heights. Dolley was the woman he married in middle age and who presided over both him and an enli