On The Upside

Michelle Shaver | Carmichael's Kids Bookstore



We don't read stories about dragons so that later in life we believe in dragons. We read stories about dragons so that later when we find them, we have the courage to fight them. On this episode of On the Upside Adam, self-proclaimed bibliophile talks with Carmichael's Kids bookstore manager, Michelle Shaver, about the wonders of kids books and their impact on kids and adults alike. Carmichael's Kids is located at 1313 Bardstown Road. They have a host of events and programs at the store, as well as in the community like book clubs, story time, and book fairs. To learn more visit carmichaelsbookstore.com. The featured book on this episode is The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore by William Joyce. Find us on Facebook and stay up to date with all On the Upside things. facebook.com/ontheupsidepodcast Twitter: @OntheUpSidePod ‏ Onward and upward!